Capitalism as the Disease of White Supremacy
The Roots of the Painful Present Realities of Racism and Ecocidal ‘Development.
The insightful article by Hershey Squirts reminds me of a native American leader’s words, when faced with the trickery of the White genocidal invader’s verbiage, 'It does not take many words to speak the truth '.
Native peoples had a word for such psychologically diseased individuals who were developing the system of exploitation known as 'capitalism' and even in the early days of their occupation of Native lands, were commodifying the life out of all living systems, including other humans seen as 'fair game' - 'weiteko’. The qualities of the weiteko personality exactly correlate with the empathy-devoid, objectifying cruelty of the psychopath.
It is no coincidence that it is precisely psychopathic traits that are required to be a success in the Euro-American Empire of White Dominance ie a bottomless sense of entitilement, unsatisfiable greed, coupled with a total lack of empathy for and concern about, the rights of all other beings. This means others are seen as objects, as a means to achieving the psychopaths’ ends. We are now witnessing the result of four centuries of White domination, those Whites not agreeing to psycopathic behaviour are marginalised or, imprisoned, or killed. For example, all across Europe, single women or widows with some land, those women who lived close to nature, understood seasonal patterns and could predict weather patterns with some accuracy, and had some knowledge of the healing power of plants, were vilified as consorting with the devil, and burnt as witches. But the motivation for such accusations by Priests and Princes was the taking over of the women’s resources.
This diseased thinking was continued by the white immigrants who landed in what they designated, the ‘New World’ where a wide array of cultures lived according to vey different belief systems.
The dominant Whites’ entire energy has been and continues to be focussed on accumulating wealth for the purpose of... accumulating wealth. This is indeed the cancer gobbling up life on earth and causing species death at rates never seen in the billion year history of Life's evolution on Earth.