You are probably not going to like what I am going to say. But I am bothering to say it, as carefully as I can, out of the motivation to help.
Some of us never had a mother who listened to our desire for pleasure, and who pushed us high on a swing. A mother who listened, and cared and responded lovingly is a blessing. Celebrate you were so blessed . Then go and find the children who will know know that blessing and give of yourself, to them.
In the Uk, we can offer respite care for children in terrifying circumstances who need a source of kindness, affection, security... even if it is only for the short term.
There are plenty of women who never found 'the one' worthy of marrying. They faced life on their own, in a world that values coupled women far more, a world in which the single woman is socially and practically more vulnerable.
Celebrate that for some time you had someone you thought worthy of your love, beside you.
Grieve for your losses but think of those who right now, never got to live in a nice home, in a secure neighbourhood, with food in their belly whenever they wanted it.
You are 70.
Look past the narrow confines of your own ego and do something useful. Make yourself proud, instead of a self-indulgent victim. There is no reason for you to sit in pain. Don't be like a clueless toddler, sitting in her faeces. GO forth and do something useful with the blessings of a lifetime, that were bestowed on you, most of them unearnt, you know? They were just the luck of the draw.