‘Nothing,’ I reply. ‘I’ve nothing against them.’ Except perhaps that small matter of their being an illegitimate tyranny, which defies the views of 93% of their people over Palestine; and that small matter of using torture and capital punishment prolifically against minorities and political opponents; and that small matter of their elite being decadent hypocrites; and that small matter of their throwing the Palestinians and the Arab Spring under the bus so as to continue to enjoy their marble mansions, their Gulfstream jets, their super yachts, their prize whores; and that small matter of their using the most vicious of Western munitions to commit war crimes against innocent civilians; and that small matter of their abusing and denying rights to their domestic and migrant workers; and that small matter of their strangling and dismembeing my friend and in-law, Jamal Khashoggi, at the Consulate of the Kingdom of Saudi in Istanbul on the 2nd October 2018.