You are equating vast wealth with power and happiness when in fact these things are rarely fulfilling; case in point is Getty, whose grandson was kidnapped and he vacillated about paying any ransom until the teenager's ear was sent to him... that richest man in world of the '70's died alone and lonely, while most people despised and hated him, including his family members and various wives, who were subjected to his mean-spirited ways.
In contrast is my 93 year old mother, who worked exceptionally hard 7 days a week for most of her life on a farm and then in retail, owning the family business that she grew with her husband. She had the love and respect of my father, who cherished her, and since his passing she has her son stay the night in her house, or else one of her adult daughters, plus some fifteen grandchildren who come and go bringing her anything they think might delight her. She is given daily massages when I am there, taken for walks and pampered with whatever dishes she likes... She is a Muslim and her religious beliefs also sustain her.
Wealth and power, especially when hoarded or misused are not the greatest things to aspire to as you seem to be suggesting; rather it is a life well-lived with loving generosity that is reflected back by one's kith, kin and friendship circles.