Yes indeed, Babs, the sector of the population voting for Brexit and for Trump are indeed nostalgic for maintaining the myth of White Greatness.
The revolutionary analyst and activist, Andrea Dworkin began one of her books, with the heart-stopping sentence, ‘Men hate intelligence in a woman’. That particular book analysed why the majority of women give support to right wing politicians — such women wager that if they comply with such men, who at least give lip-service to respecting the virgin-wife and mother figure, they are safer, and will be protected.
White people were indeed protected by their privilege — they quite literally lived off the labour of people of colour, for centuries — look at the millions now occupying land that was the fruit of genocide.
Apart from a minority of Whites of conscience and integrity, most want to roll back human rights legislation. They yearn for the good old days, when Black people knew their place… and when they made trouble, the Whites had a myriad of ways of pushing them back to a subordinate, service role. I only realised all this when I worked in the U.A.E and found British Whites just revelling in their position in that hierachy.