Writing is a Revolutionary Act!
Dear Allison,
Please do all the self -care that grounds you and ensures your good inner and outer health… let’s radiate with the fire of self-love to burn up all the negativity constantly being strewn across our path. Surprise, surprise, I am standing on such a path right now).
I am quite new to Medium and so encouraged by fabulous writers like yourself. In the U.K, there is a dearth of such writing, partly becaue the forces of cooptation are stronger and the forms of oppression, while no less damaging, more subtle and therefore, harder to recognise, and harder to resist.
Know that your words are creating visibility and articulating arcs of human experince, which White supremacist structures and the patriachal systems together, seek to silence.
Silenced, our isolation grows. In that isolation, we can so easily become disorientated,and filled with self-doubt and then it becomes much easier for oppressive people to freeze us in unequal relations,all the better for the best of our capabilites to be covertly stolen from us.