Why do you 'have to disagree' Myrna? Do you think thousands of people willingly left their homes and lands because they wanted to g o camping ?
It's simply a fact that the first 2 Prime Ministers were in part of marauding gangs throwing grenades into Palestinians homes, threatening to rape the women folk - unde rtha terror, people grabbed a few belongings and left.
How big are your blind spots? The Jewish people who suffered in Europe should have exacted revenge on those who were responsible, instead of transmogrifying into the watchdog for White Empire . Perhaps you could do with opening your mind to other points of view - @indica has some deep analysis of the geopolitical. dynamics and what powerless people around the whole world are facing.
I beleive many in Hamas are the orphaned kids of Israeli's past military actions... it is obscene that is called, 'mowing the grass'.
The dehumanisation of Palestinians is as bad as the dehumanisation of Jewish people by the Nazis, but you sadly will not see that, it seems. Right now, kids are starving , and being bombed, you say you are a mental health specialist dealing with trauma... how did you feel about the 6 year old girl, in the car, that was LEAVING and all the people in the car, got shot; and then despite the information being given to the army, the 2 medics went went to rescue the child, had their ambulance bombed and the 'soldiers cam back to the car, to shoot the child dead.
Is this how an 'army' is supposed to behave? Shooting kids and medics?