While the capitalist mode of production creates the illusion of freedom to choose which job/house/ mode of transport/vehicle car we go for, the fact is we are being controlled by elites who manipulate the so-called market forces, along with the prices of all essential resources. But let's not forget that while these are removed from of control by our energies and lifetime, in patriarchal 'might makes right' societies, half the population plus many categories of males, were and indeed are, made to serve the needs of the more powerful.
In my family, there was the intermeshing of imperialism, class, and gender-based domination. The dynamic of male as provider and protector, was a myth, but it was maintained by simply refusing to acknowledge the contribution, in time, skills and intelligence of the females in the family. For doing the exact same work, had I been male, I would have been given much respect and my time, working after school, till 9.30 pm plus weekends, would have been acknowledged and valued.
I have written an article partly in response to your comments. It is a start in formulating a response to some of your points. I just tried to share the draft link but that is not working here.