While millions of pounds were spent on the spectacle of the funeral of the half-German queen of England, kids in the U.K. are going hungry, food is left rotting in fields due to lack of workers to pick … after all the white natives mostly feel too entitled to a life of ease to do hard physical work … It feels as if hardly anyone is doing any basic thinking to join the dots between the elites’ consumption of resources and ownership of land, and the majority who are struggling to find the money for basics.
As making ends meet becomes an increasing struggle, who has time to think long term about anything, including climate change ?
We in Extinction Rebellion work hrd, putting out leaflets, holding zoom meetings, and can barely attract 20 new people to a meeting or protest; but the brianwashing via education and media means that with no effort at ‘outreach and publicity ‘ as such, how many thousands travelled many miles and queued for hours to catch a glimpse of the good- for-nothing, supremely selfish, queen’s coffin. It is dispiriting to say the least.