What an interesting facet to the situation - thanks for your perceptive comment.
I think you are spot on, that it has become practically fashionable to be in therapy or receiving counselling and what would in a previous generation have been ween as character flaws eg. ducking one's responsibilities by having temper tantrum are now given pose scientific sounding labels like, 'oppositional defiant syndrome'
I an English friend in her 70's who is walking on eggshells in her home, since her adult 30-something daughter moved in.
She refuses to do any cooking or cleaning and barely manages to get up for her part-time job, four days a week.
Basically she is living off her mother and angry about it, yet has not had the courage and skills to develop herself so that she can get a better paid job.
She ducks everything that takes her outside of her comfort zone and is seeking out an 'autistic 'diagnosis currently.