…n, who are responsible for mass war crimes-led deaths from illegal Iraq war eg former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (whose illegal wars led to birth of ISIS and subsequent affiliated trafficking gangs that groomed SB under the nose and complicity of British security services) and also another former PM, a corrupt and a serial liar, American born Boris Johnson who carries blood of thousands of Covid19 deaths on his hands due to his reckless governance and corruption to make quick money on the back of Covid PPE contracts yet they are all roaming free. We have Jack Straw, former UK Labour Foreign Secretary who was instrumental in pushing for the illegal Iraq war that led to 1m+ deaths and up to 10m+ refugee crisis yet he’s roaming around free and neither is he stripped of UK citizenship despite having eligibility for potential Israeli citizenship. We have George Osborne — the former Conservative government chancellor (UK finance minister) and former Prime Minister David Cameron, whose government’s reckless austerity measures caused deaths of up to 120,000 as a result from government cuts in public health and social care. In fact the avoidable austerity measures according to one report has led to over 330,000 excess deaths yet the duo are roaming free without having their citizenship stripped off, at least in the case of George Osborne who has potential claim to Israeli citizenship, and so on. And of course we have Prince Andrew whose ties with Epstein and Maxwell’s sex trafficking of underage girls are well known which has been the topic of the media yet he isn’t stripped of his UK citizenship despite having potential claims to German citizenship through jus sanguinis ancestral ties. This goes on without saying about many British Jews who go on to enlist in Israel’s IDF (seen by many as state terrorist militia of a de facto terrorist state) that regularly engages in enforcing illegal occupation of Palestinian Territories and subsequent series of war crimes in violation of UN resolutions, yet none of them face citizenship deprivation.