What a beautifully written piece -it's powerful in how you are sharing specific aspects o fyour childhood. I'm very sorry to hear that the adults around you were so stunted as human beings that they cou not empathise with you and support you . I hope you have som e people around you. now who see you and who care...
Thank you for writing. I had a difficult time with my mohter who made lihgt of a dear frined of mine passing away. The funny thing is , the list you wrote applies to her behaviour towreds me , exactly but I always made excuses fo rher her (working 13 hour days, exprinees hardship fomr migration to the Uk ) but now I see how she's drained me , as I give and give, and she rarley shows any apprecitiona. I intned to keep my distance .
Thak you for your writing as that has helped to clarify things for me.