WE can use words to bless and to curse. For me, anyone who uses words to curse is a despicable person who does not deserve one moment of my attention. I don't care how accomplished/handsome or whatever that person may be, he is a low life, not worthy of respect. It's as if, a racist spat in your face. Would you give them importance and dwell on why they thought you were unworthy of basic respect? No! You would wash yourself clean and kick any remaining emotion out of your heart, as they don't deserve any a microscopic part of yourself.
Against the low lives, we must build up a robust shield.
Look what wonderful things you are doing and the respect of people here in the comments below, for you. Please use their words to help u erase that one spiteful nutcase.
That twit was jealous of your power. You are brave and beautiful so exult joyfully in your goodness.