The bombs dropped today in Palestine were tested in Puerto Rico. The United States Navy, for decades, experimented in Puerto Rico with chemically dangerous explosives which destroyed the ecosystem of Vieques, a small municipality east of the Island(s). The remnants of this continue to haunt the people of Vieques, which today have the highest rate of cancer in the archipelago.Furthermore, today the United States military occupies 13% of the land of Puerto Rico, occupying the Puerto Rican nation since 1898, using it as a military base and as a giant laboratory for its multinational chemical corporations like Dupont ,the pharmaceutical industry, and those of the Military Industrial Complex, like Lockheed Martin. The same claws covered with the blood of the Puerto Rican people have Palestinian blood as well. Lockheed Martin is a giant profiteer from the war in Palestine, which also made great wealth from the invasion of Iraq and other imperial wars throughout the world.