When ‘developed’ Means Exploiting Others’ Land and Labour
Umair has picked up on the machinations of Nietzche's sister for it was she who manipulated her brother's writings /legacy to fit in with Nazi type ideology. Anyway, the main point remains, as it doesn't matter to which individual philosopher one refers to, to highlight the defining nihilism of Western barbarism that’s always posing as 'advanced' and 'developed'. Yet brutality, invasions, massacres, enslavement have been the means to this exalted status.
Groups like Palestine Action, Greenpeace and BLM are starting to address the reality rather than the university-fostered delusions of grandeur that ivory-tower intellectuals have fostered.
It's time to join thought with action and actually have the courage to take direct action that reverses the ruination of the planet and majority humans’ lives.