To think they could have been such a transformative power for enhancing the lives of their own citizens ; instead they have been from inception, to the present, hell bent on preserving their power at any and all cost, while serving the needs of the settler states.
I fell for the rhetoric of wanting to expand garland improve girs' eduction and moved tehre on a two year contract. Within a month of arriving, I want to leave, but they made leaving very difficult!
Utterly chaotic, overtly racist structure, with corruption and incompetence fostered and running through and through.
The Whytes whom they put up high on a pedestal, actually despise them, while catering to their every ego-driven, childish whim.
Meanwhile the Palestinians andArabs from Egypt, Tunisia etc, who built the country's educational and medical systems, and the South Asians who did all the manual labour for their high-rise buildings, the Filipino maids , who bring up their children; they ahve no citizenship rights.. The just take advantage of the West's global Disorder, which has plunged the Global South into poverty, (through wars and corrupt leadership) to take advantage of and terrorise people into submission, to extract their labour through a systematic deception.
And that was the most disturbing part - how scared people were to say how they were trapped into staying.