This is terribly disturbing, the suggestion tht white folk in general have no conscience. I don’t want to believe this. I am surrounded by White people, whether as neighbours, managers, colleagues, people I thought weere my friends, 'comrades', in the feminist movement and anti-Nazi League. When I look at events across a wide expanse of time, situation and contexts, when I look at how most of these people I gve my trust to, tiptoed away, ghosting me and then I realized I ahd been completely abandoned, without discussion, without any open disagreement over anything, they withdrew. When I analyse the particular situation it was always due to their unexpeessed, racialised expectation (which I was really unaware of) that I would defer to them. Also, my receiving admiration or respect from some direction for being fitter, prettier, more knowledgeable, more articulate, more of artistic, multi-skilled academic/artist/popular a teacher than they were, unleashed some variety of a torrent of harm from them, towards me.