We evolve? Who is this 'we' you are referring to John? Please note some of us, never degenerated to anywhere near the point which the ZioNazis have degenerated to.
The whole edifice of Western civilisation as we know it, has been founded on the principle of dehumanising whatever is defined as 'Other', and that then being used as the justification for the most RAPACIOUS takeover of those 'otherized' beings land, resources, knowledge, skills and labour.
We are on the verge of the 6th mass extinction and it reveals just just what a calamitous turn humanity took, when Whites took over control of most of th continents of the world.
There has been a vast degeneration that has taken place, over the past five centuries of Western domination, which I have named as the Eurokleptocene Epoch.
Only with the demise of this empire, can the sensibilities which lived in harmony with Nature and understood deeply and honoured our emergence and reliance upon Nature, can there be hope for change.
But the utterly horrific acts of unleashing the equivalent of 2 Hiroshima 's worth of destruction reveals the utter lack of awareness in the deviant Western nations. The ascended through terrorism and military might and it seems that is all they are capable of: destruction.
Noora is absolutely correct in her designation of the ZIoNazis as those it is impossible to relate to as 'brothers'. To see them celebrating the carnage and level of suffering they are causing reveals utter degeneracy of the Israeli entity's entire system of miseducation and mind control.