That doll is so scary... it reminds me of a lefty Quaker-meeting attender who always put on this big-eyed look of innocence.
She was the one who sent me a message by text, saying, 'I know I shouldn't ask you this, but could you sign a form to say I've volunteered in your classes. I didn't get around to arranging my teaching practice, and I need this to qualify."
I was shocked she was asking me to do this. (Quaker principle to always tell the truth meant the first Quakers risked their lives, lost their homes and property etc)
I responded by saying, 'But Jane that would be a lie, that would in fact, be fraud."
She stopped talking-to me and cut me off. The friendship was dead as I dared to say no to her.
The covert sneaky kind of racism is worse than the blatant in your face type, as it can leave us confused and unsure. This in itself is very damaging.
Thank you for sharing your experience. The sad fact is that white supremacy has its tentacles everywhere. I left the UK harassment by managers and teaching colleagues because for example, refused to falsify a register... but landing in the UAE, well, that's another permutation of the monster of white supremacy.