Thanks for your detailed response Rebecca Yoder. I added a postcript to explain how this poem came to me - it arose from my sadness and concern, seeing my niece who I have loved deeply from her early childhood on. I feel she is being misled by the body positivity movement and its abuse of a feminist narrative of self-empowerment. I agree with you that the medical profession is as a whole in cahoots with Big Pharma and does not provide information about the one thing that is absolutely effective - fasting which creates a new homeostasis. We from the so-called 'primitive/under-developed East, still have fasting rituals integrated in various festivals,/seasons so the cultural support that is lacking which you mention, is the loss of Western traditions regarding fasting.
I am very glad you have had the independence of mind to make the effort to learn and have found fasting works - I hope more people will turn up in your life who join /support you.
I'd like to add that when you know next to nothing about someone, it's better not to presume things like 'oh you feel disgust at the sight of rolls of fat' .
In a literal sense, fat is an essential part of a healthy body.
Personally I have found that eating one meal a day in a 3 hour window is also a tremendous help in shifting the internalised narrative that we need 3 meals plus snacks all day long.
There are many doctors on You Tube from Chinese and Indian heritage, sharing essential facts and suggestions re how to approach fasting. I might dedicate an article to highlighting their work, if you think that would be useful.
Very best wishes.