Thanks for your courteous comment - in fact, I have always thought that individual decision, magnified by millions of people, do indeed. have a transformative effect..
I have gone int the direction of growing a forest garden, and some of my own veg, I never use pesticides, never use make up, never iron my clothes, avoid long journeys, , use soap instead o shampoo with their plastic bottled and chemical colourings and perfumes... I travel by bus/walk when I can, got an electric car six years ago, stopped eating meat as soon as I left my parent's home... I've taught literacy skills to young white ales in remand, supported women leaving domestic violence situations... to me, all these things ae interconnected with respecting the planet, and living life with kindness, instead of a consumerist, me first mindset, that in effect is all about saying, I matter, me first, and fuck the rest.