Thanks for your clarification Julie E Hubbel... I think it's fair to say we read, write, communicate in general , to learn and share experiences that point to human experience in a general sense, so you don't need to take offence or insist what you are writing is only for a specific situation or person... obviously I'm relating your experience to mine or others in my world... to discern a pattern ...
I do think if someone is working hard, as you said, to gaslight you, yet for them to claim not know what they are doing is something I would find hard to believe... it speaks to my experience of gaslighting that I noticed the erasure of my experience or point of view and the person pleads innocence, which is very much integral to their attempted gaslighting ! So it doesn't mean I'm not reading your article carefully, but more that I'm sharing my own experience of gaslighting. Thanks for your clarifiation anyway.