Thank you Kathy - yes, that's correct, all the people of colour who were ever given prominent positions including the present incumbent who is ambassador to the United Nations, who raised her hand to block the calls for a ceasefire some four/five times, have been picked for their willingness to comply with the extreme Right and their militarised agenda to grab the worlds' resources on every continent, but especially the oil-rich regions.
Under Obama, more invasions happened than under the previous and present presidents.
If the US/Uk/NATO would stop expanding their militaries , and instead use that money to fund health care, better schools, etc, that would materially benefit millions of people both within those nations as well as reduce or even stop the carnage that NATO funds by direct or indirect means around the world.
The problem with th feminist movement is that it got wholly co-opted and taken over by the CIA/industrialists so they could reduce men's wages and get a more compliant workforce.
The levels of rape, murder and generalised sheer exhaustion of women both working and running homes, doing childcare and working full-time has not really signalled progress, in my view.
And the ways that the fashion and medical professions are defining femininity, are also far from liberating.
Since my days as a student, protecting the local porn shop, I see the whole culture has got pornified and younger women especially, are objectifying themselves in the name of being 'empowered' to sell their time and their bodies to the highest bidder, online or offline.
I look forward to your response as I too, value your perspective.