Thank you for your thoughtful response. I'm sure we are supposed to believe this funny comedian suddenly found himself to be the man of the hour, and responded heroically to his innocent nations 's needs against the big bad bully.
All this conveniently overlooks how the USA /NATO forces actually have a modus operandi, whereby they operate covertly for a decade or so, and groom people to fall in with their geopolitical interests married to the individuals' power drive/material desires.
This is how the Western nations have been operating for decades in Africa, South America and the Arabic regions, assassinating leaders who actually care for their own people and putting stooges in place. Look up Victoria Britain's article in the Guardian where she lists some 12 leaders assassinated or couped out of office .
The main problem is that as average citizens who need to work to pay our bills, have family to take care of and need to sleep etc, we have very little time to trace out the patterns of events that signal the oligarchs' long term plans.Adding to the complexity and blocks to discerning the truth of the relaities we face, is that the media outlets are 99 percent controlled by the oligarchs and big corporations.
Chomsky’s ‘Manufacturing Consent’, is all the more relevant to seeking to see through the walls of murky manipulations we face these days.