Thank you for your reason-based response and also taking the time to engage rather than outright dismisses too many people do with one another if their views don't chime on immediate reading in obvious ways.
I think you are correct in your astute perception that those in power or the tools of those in power, such as the CIA, actively foster division and distraction by identity politics, be that ethnicity/race/gender etc etc...
Yet at the same time we or at least I cannot lose sight of the fact that capitalism arose out of the mass dehumanisation that enabled exploitation by the various British/Dutch etc corporations which were backed by military and state structures. At the same time, that theories enabling the dehumanisation of everyone except Anglo-Europeans were being formulated, they always allowed collaborators from the defeated regions of the world to support their endeavours .
I really don't know enough about the history and the relations between the Slavic nations/Russia to comment on the refusal to let Russia join in the European bloc.
I don't really know what you mean by white Christian on white christian hate... do you mean Protestants versus Catholics?
Nor do I understand what you mean by the comparison between Sri Lanka under control of the British, and the USA 1860's -1960's history.
I think we may be using terminology in very different ways, without explaining. SO for example, I regard the West Europeans as still European, after they landed on Turtle Island, took over, massacred the majority of the Indigenous people and then called the land 'America' and themselves, 'Americans'... have you noticed how everyone else gets an additional descriptor such as 'Black Americans, Native Americans etc etc ?