Thank you for your perspective Noon... Though I certainly would not call myself a Muslim scholar, I did start a PHD in which I wanted to explore the concept of 'Ijtihad' and the role of the Ummah in addressing the terrible corruption of leaders planted into the Ummah and the political entities they created as states.
So I am not making my analysis on the basis of excitement, I assure you.
Our money should not be used to spread poverty, and the suffering and killing that these corrupt leaders PLANTED by the West have been and are engaging in. The billions in income to Saudia Arabia are being used to buy the fighter jets to bomb the brave people of Yemen, for how many years? Are you OK with that?
Ijtihad teaches us to use our AQL to behave with wisdom that expresses a moral responsibility for the consequences of our actions.
We can express unity, Love of the Deen, the Ummah and the Almighty, by not bowing to the power of the corrupted , imposed leaders, both in the West and their stooges who have taken control of the innermost symbols ofIslam. But they remain SYMBOLS, let us not forget that.