Thank you for your detailed response.
Much of what you have said is kind of a straw man argument - this is the problem with a monologue where it's too easy to make lots of assumptions and then play out the consequences of xyz assumptions... Obviously collaborators are as bad if not worse than the aggressors. Obviously other empires have existed. Psycopathy is a trait in all human communities but I think only the European empires systematised and rewarded those with psychopathic traits by giving such people the most respect, power and status so that such personalities predominate now, in every institution of the colonial/capitalist corporations and political institutions. You need to ask yourself, while there were other empires across the span of human society why in just 500 years, White Empire as assailed nature and societies on every other continent to the point where this cancerous 'development', is causing the death of multiple species, the poisoning of land sea and air, indeed, the death of ecological systems such that the viability of human species survival over the next century is in question.