Thank you for such a brilliantly-researched article - this is knowledge in the service of justice that is so desperately needed if meaningful change is ever to occur in the rapacious 'settler-colony' that is Amerikka.
I have a specific question arising out of my recent exposure to the lectures of Professor Tony Martin, whose book,'The Jewish Onslaught', concerns the opposition he faced for referencing research on his University course, which demonstrated the key role played by Jewish people at the onset and throughout the enslaving centuries of the USA's history. It is a central organising feature of Jewish society that the child takes the mother's status.
So my question is whether you have come across any information that suggests the U.K’s Protestant Whites realised the benefit of that rule, ‘Partus Sequitur Ventrum’ for devilishly ensuring not only the fulfilment of their evil lust but also, the profitability of their rapes and ALSO, avoiding all humane responsibilities as a father, so they reaised the benefit of adopting the Jewish norm and how far the Jews themselves pushed directly for their norm to be established as it would be profitable for them too? As both Christians (whether Catholic or Protestant or evangelical) and Jews were hell-bent on finding justifications for their commodification of fellow humans, based on skin colour, that common purpose united them, it seems, to settle on whatever would maximixe ther profits while numbing their conscience.
(To give credit where credit is due, it was the research section of the Black Panthers which uncovered and then publicised, a PHD thesis by a Jewish scholar, detailing the extent of Jewish involvement in enslaving Africans.)