Thank you for sharing this very moving experience. It shows that even despite some mental deterioration, on a psychic/soul/emotional level, this elder sensed your kind and respectful spirit and therefore she felt safe and could be herself with you. Too often in addition to a kind of racism and sexism that belittles others, there is also a sort of ageism that exudes a dismissiveness to older people. Nancy sensed your openness and respectful stance and so she could open up to you. How wonderful!
It's through inter-relation and dialogue that our essence as individuals can manifest and I think it's marvellous that due to the wholesome exchange of mutual respect and empathy, she could encourage and guide you. That's just marvellous! I hope you will share with her that due to her wisdom and guidance you are being more proactive about marketing your books. ,
Sadly we can live under the same roof with close relatives and never experience such a healthy relationship of mutual nurturance and affirmation.
The egotistical need of many insecure persons to dominate, to show off, cuts the possibility for genuine communion of this nature.
As you mentioned, Nancy rarely even spoke a word to other guests because they likely barely even acknowledged her existence.
Thank you for writing and so disseminating this experience which we can all learn from. I'm glad you brought this article to my attention. It gives hope for a better humanity and what better gift than that?