The extreme harms ( killings, kidnapping of their children and forced assimilation, dehumanising tropes. put as law , appropriation of aboriginal lands) by the invaders mostly from continued for over 250 years...
Aboriginal people were denied all human rights and their cultural knowledge was utterly scorned... When some inroads were made to assert the value of Aboriginal culture, then … we start to get cultural appropriation...
To avoid any semblance of doing that, surely it would have been better to have your second paragraph first, Dr Rose?
Logically, that knowledge existed before Lynne Kelly came along and wrote a book about the aboriginal people's oral cultures and ways of transmitting knowledge!
By starting your article with her name in the first paragraph, you are giving her more visibility and importance.
So as usual with the rules of white supremacy, the white person, is named, and those Otherised, marginalised, who are the source of the knowledge, the white 'expert' is referencing, become a nameless, unindividuated, amorphous mass.
There must be some historians of Aboriginal heritage you could have given visibility to, before picking up the baton of quoted aboriginal knowledge, in order to add your approach?