Surely wars start out of one side's unbridled greed and dehumanisation of those whose lands and resources they want to take over? This is about as noble as a burglar entering your home, seeking to steal what you have worked hard to build up, ... In the European's type of 'burglary', they kill or enslave the occupants and then take over the house. What's 'noble' ' about that?
Nobel are the ones who resist and give their lives trying to protect the weak and vulnerable , despite overwhelming odds. Eg Queen of Jhansi in India, mid 1850's, who led her people on horseback with her child tied to her back. She was using swords, against the invading British forces who had guns and cannons.
That's noble. But the invading forces? Greedy massacring brutes, who glossed over their crimes in the history books that you and I read as children in th Uk/USA etc.
You write so beautifully and eloquently but you have glossed over the brutal truths, like so many other male, European-origin writers and historians.