Suppose you do everything mindfully and there is no slippage, no disturbance, no mess left, not only that but you offer coffee to others in the house and wash up their cups as well as your own.. but they are very insecure, they resent you having that one spoon of coffee - as it means they will have one less... actually, they never wanted you to be born anyway, so they throw something at you and ask, 'do you think you are superior becuase you haven't made a mess, you offered me a drink, you washed ... ?
What then? Karma and your somewhat superficial explanation of it... does not encompass / explain the hatred for girls endemic in South Asian culture such that millions of baby girls are killed, millions of others, neglected, and millions more attacked within the family for no good reason at all.
Or, what about the enslavement of Africans or the vicious exploitation by the British that left millions dying of famine? How does Karma explain that?
If you wish to respond, just please, don't say they must have been bad in a previous life !