… the affairs of the Global South, in all the countries that have been your victims all these years. There is no repentance, there is no contrition, there is no moral improvement or change in you. You are exactly the same people who wiped out the Native Americans. The same people who regarded Africans as subhuman. The same people who murdered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in a matter of seconds in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The same people who dropped napalm on civilians in Vietnam. I mean, on and on. Nothing exposes this today more than your stance on Palestine, nothing demonstrates that you have not changed or developed in centuries more than your shameless support for Israel. And you are alienating the whole planet by this. You are alienating people, and countries, and regions, that you can’t afford to alienate. From Latin America to Southeast Asia, when you back colonialist Zionist violence against the Palestinians, we see it as emblematic of your whole attitude and approach to the non-Western world. Everyone in the Global South identifies with the Palestinians. Everyone in the Muslim world identifies with the Palestinians. When you declare your support for “to…