Somehow I missed seeing this comment from you Leif...It's quite ironic that in between the time you wrote it and today, I got berated and kind of shunned by the tutors/some of the attendees on a creative writing event as the poem I shared, 'Don't Cry for me Asheknazis', was responded to by one white women bursting into tears and telling me off for 'triggering' her.
It's also a funny sort of irony that I decided to write about that, instead of shutting down and numbing out... the beautifully supportive and validating responses to that article have really made me realise how isolated I have been !
Thank you for your thoughtful comment ... my 'risk-taking' as you describe it has always been punished (workplace, social activism and family circles'). You are quite rare to show some appreciation for my actual intentions... see I do not ' intend to be a 'trouble-maker'/challenge people/hurt their feelings... but I have always believed that truths must be faced up to so that we are not complicit in the oppression, by our silence.