Since you are asking, in my view, supremacist views whether they are that of Aryans being the superior humans, or Muslims,Hindus, or Jews etc , are the foundation from which injustice and atrocities arise.
What do you think settler colonial states are about?
While the British and other assorted Europeans conjured up the myth of 'Manifest Destiny' as the excuse to slaughter the Indigenous people of Turtle island/the America, so the Zionist supremacists have beaten th drum of their origin myth to terrorise and displace people for the past 75 years. The terrorising did not begin on Oct 7th, but with Irgun and the various other militias with a Zionist supremacist agenda.
You should ask yourself Myrna, why you can't see that?
You as me what the solution is? I think the solution lies with being truthful, and not omitting the relevant facts in order to shape the premise, discourse and its outcome to fit into what makes you comfortable with genocide. You say it is the stuff of nightmares, and you don't feel good about it, but clearly you think aerial bombardments to the equivalent to f3 Hiroshima boss is an acceptable.
For some 75 years, the Israeli Occupation Forces have been daily shooting at people, humiliating them at checkpoints and targeting kids with stones, aiming for killing or maiming them with the latest most sophisticated weapons.
So if you see your kid brother killed, your dad rotting in a jail without any charges, your mother half starving, and the home and land of your grandparents is occupied by people from Europe, tell me, what would you do, dear?
Understand that the problem did not start on Oct 7th 2023, but way back in 1947.
Me and my folks, Myrna, would not use soldiers, bulldozers, and guns to threaten people, evict them from their homes and take over their lands, so you see, we would not face the repercussions of such actions.