Shalom/Salaam to you, Mallory
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond in detail...
My views have been formed partly from readings from, 'Jewish Voices for Peace', and also, various conferences in London over the years, held by socialist Jews, and also, meeting anarchist Israelis in Jaffa, who were bravely supporting Mordechai Vanunu on his release following his 18 year sentence. I went to Jaffa as part of an international delegation in April 2004.
To provide additional context, I do speak out against the anti-Jewish sentiments in the Koran, which are terrible,and all acts of violence tha thave been perpetrated by Muslim rulers, are totally reprehensible.
My understanding is that during the 19th century, Palestinians, and Jewish neighbours lived relatively well together but that the Ashekenazi Jews are the dominant faction since the creation of Israel.
You must be aware that Palestinians left their homes under duress and their lands were then taken over in order to form the state of israel.
Part of the justification for the creation of Israel has always been linked to that being a sort of compensation for suffering at the hands of the Nazis. Certainly Germany has been paying reparations to Israel to the tune of billions of Euros.
You mention how Black Americans , (whose ancesters were kidnapped from Africa, with major involvement by Jewish people at the time (see Professor Tony Martin and the campaign to silence him, which he documented in his book, 'The Jewish Onslaught') are still called 'African Americans', but notice we don't see them rushing over, funded to the tune of billions of dollars, to take over the homes and lands of people in say, Ghana or Cameroon and form a State.
Sadly our exchange of views is doing nothing for the Palestinians, trying to survive inhumane conditions purposefully created as such, under an illegal occupation. Their day to day living conditions are a form of torture quite similar to the ghettos created by the Nazis in Poland.