People and regions of the world exploited horrifically for long centuries is what enabled the Western nations to become 'developed' and 'advanced'. Instead of providing a mere repeat of their self-serving non-sense, it would be a better use of your time to uncover the truths they work so hard to hid, instead of joking them in that endeavour. I highly recommend a book called, 'How Europe Under developed africa'. by Water Rodney. he was assassinated because of course, the 'highly civilised Westerners do not like to be exposed for their sadistic and oppressive and exploitative conduct.
Just dropping two names, to form 3 lines of your article, does not a critique make.
When so many people have gave their lives to settler-colonial narrative, surely you can do some relevant research, instead of giving 99.9 per cent of your time to repeating the dominant imperialists' propaganda?