Overall, secularisation has been obtained at the cost of the fuckery of the rest of the planet, by European males, egged on by their wives keeping the home fires burning...
Similarly the much-vaunted 'freedom of expression /human rights etc etc, are all bought at the cost of exporting the facism which enables the liberal veneer to form...
It's been a seismic shock to me to unlearn all the lies my upbringing in the UK has sculpted into my. consciousness. As I look at the hundreds of coups/and assassinations of leaders of integrity throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America... and the despots placed in power who enforce the most bizarre interpretations of religion... eg the Saudi rulers were a minor clan, but the British plucked these maniacs out of obscurity and gave them the throne and the means to represent what is 'Islam'.
It's very very hard to work out how much we in the West are manipulated. A major point of clarity would be to ask who has been covertly imposing religious creeds to foster division, violence and fatalism, while robbing those nations blind?