Now you are reminding me of what the friggin Europeans, (with the damn English in the lead of course) did to kill of the Indigenous people of Turtle Island (the lands they renamed 'America'):
They made mountains of corpses of the buffalo, who were central to the culture, and way of life, source of food and therefore independence.
As you know, Indigenous peoples around the world have a deeply connected symbiotic relationship with the plants animals and land that they rely upon for shelter, to cultivate etc.... so the parasitic-predatory settler colonials target all the sources that sustain the life of the people and culture they seek to eradicate and replace.
All those self-sufficient cultures have been under attack, whether in Africa, India, or the Arabic regions and Latin America.
So it all makes sense, doesn't it, how since they spread across the face of the earth, beyond Europe, so tipping points were breached and now we are at the cusp of the Sixth Mass Extinction.