Not one of my colleagues in the various colleges I taught at during some 20 years, understood what I was seeking to do in my classes, but you have expressed it so powerfully and succinctly.
Thank you Leif... to me this is dialogical communication as Paolo Freire described in his book, 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed'- that we can ignite sparks of awareness, of hope, of will to life, will for justice, and through that process, both feel more alive, and inspire others in such directions.
So glad you wrote this and especially happy that you described the process of your poetic formation too....
I am quite occupied caring for my 93 year old mother these days, and it can feel isolating but this sense of connection through words, feels good.
I have a feeling and a hope that our words will also lead to some meaningful actions in solidarity with those who don't have the resources or the space we do. May it be so!