Eh? Which Elites are Promoting Socialism?
Very strange, this claim that ‘elites’ are presenting socialism as a glorious paradise... But is the American Dream or capitalism, a glorious paradise, founded as it is on genocidal invasions, the deliberate spreading of Europeans disease to the Indigenous peoples, endless treachery and broken treaties, and then, as the Europeans did not want to do any hard work themselves, they began the enslavement of kidnapped Africans, from 400 years ago, to the present? Was the McCarthy era about promoting socialism? All the CIA-constructed coups all over the world, from the 1950's onwards, orchestrated by the secret services of the Western countries eg assassination of Patrice Lumumba and around 15 other major leaders based in Arabic and African regions,. have been done to maintain the West's capitalist stranglehold all across the world.
All of these leaders of independance movements were seeking to shift the White knee, and free their countries from Western occupation.
Whenever people try to keep their country's resources for themselves instead of letting Western corporations, elites and armies, dictate everything, they are accused of being communist. Look at the horrific suffering visited on the Vietnamise people... and the number of assassination attempts on the Cuban leader.
What happened in India, when the British arrived? Did the British elite cause harm through their ‘socialist’ ideology, or was it their desprate urge to capture the wealth that would fund their industrial revolution, along with furhter invasions all across the world?
A disappointing and poorly researched article, A Jagernauth, as other commentators have pointed out. Yes, individual maniacs like Stalin, should be condemned. He killed the leaders of the movements oflong oppressed people, seeking to implement socialist ideals such as fair pay, worker's rights, women's equality, free health care, cheap housing, these policies do not make socialism itself wrong - but really, the dictatorial mindset of sociopathic leaders does not define socialism.
What has really 'enslaved the masses' for 400 years is capitalism, beginning with the buying of human beings, and using their labour, or the labour of indentured people, till they die, with little to no remuneration. Breeding human beings, people of colour, and selling their children is the foundation of capitalism How beautiful is that?