Name-calling is just blurting out random nasty words in order to hurt.
I do not do that.
Zionism is a philosophical belief, and in my view it chimes in every respect with Nazism.
1) Deep sense of superiority
2) claims on others' lands
3) Dehumanisation of those deemed 'inferior'
4) Extreme violence, mass murder,
5) Persecution of dissidents .
Eg the Israeli teacher who showed some sympathy for the suffering of a Palestinian woman who was weeping over the death of her twin babies - for this, he was arrested, lost his job and faces charges of treason.
It reminds me of the brave White Rose Society in Munich . They were composed of Christian Germans who opposed the Nazis and they are arrested, charged with treason...
Thank God the Israeli teacher Meir has not been guillotined.
So these are some of the points that are undeniablyidentical with the Nazis horrific treatment of Jewish people and those exact forms of dehumanisation adn take over of property and lands are being perpetrated by Israel. To me those who support Israel are no different form the Nazis' ideology.
Not saying that was an insult but as a point of factual accuracy.
I did not make up these facts nor I am not responsible for them.
I can definitely understand you don't want to be associated with the Nazis.
May I add, that equally, the Muslims who invaded and committed atrocities on the local population, took over the lands and imposed their rulership, I oppose. But I was not alive in that century so I am not responsible.
By the wayI have faced censure and hostility from Indian Muslims for saying that. But facts are facts.