Misty Moon, first of all a big thank you for sharing your experience of marriage and what else to call it but, 'male domination', which as you say, is normalised through fairy tales, films the general narrative about women and men's roles in marriage.
I appreciate very much you pointing out that limited choices can affect any women, not only women from migrant communities but certainly they are rendered more powerless as they are not familiar with the societal structures and mainstream language, to assert their rights/locate resources etc. .
Patriarchal values certainly are about treating women and girls as possessions of men.
That means we should not have agency over our own bodies or preferences that contradict what men want, even if its we who have to deal with the consequences (childcare and housework plus financial strain of having 11 children) which was Shameem's experience.
Shame on men who continue to think like this - in my view they are not men, but just pathetic, insecure brutes.