Millions of people have already being suffering and dying but because that was taking place far away from the Centres of White Power and Privilege, those lives have counted for nothing.
Now that Europe and its offshoots around the globe, will start to feel the pinch, just maybe, meaningful action can start to happen...
But looking at the consciousness of people at the frontlines of protest such as Extinction Rebellion, it's hard to feel optimistic.
Also, as individuals, we can be so easily beguiled by the majority norms... I now realise it was a mistake for me to plan a trip to Brussels, to highlight the underlying reasons for the catastrophes were facing... ie to add to the conceptual framework regarding climate change...
On balance, it would have been yet another individual, contributing to the problem, while not really effective in communicating the urgency of the need to make vast individual and social changes.
It's so hard to discern even what is the right thing to do, even when one is aligned to doing it.