Of course, a very disparate group of people voted for Brexit: not just morons but also halfwits, cretins, racists, bigots, dullards, idiots, the cognitively defective, imbeciles, and the utterly mindless. The glory of democracy is that it enabled all these different kinds of citizen to collectively flush their nation down the toilet in return for two vacuous soundbites that even a brain-damaged three-year-old would have realized were utter nonsense. Brexit voters are the same sort of people who vote for the creature Trump, who vote for Orban in Hungary, Le Pen in France, Meloni and Salvini in Italy, and all the other rag-tag neofascists who are increasingly gaining power around the world by feeding morons and halfwits with vacuous soundbites about glorious return to the past and the vanquishing of imaginary enemies.