Just like your husband there are males who are loving and protective, such as my father in his relationship to my mother, for example or our family GP who is a gentle and outstandingly kind Muslim man...
.The patriarchal values urging control and subjugation of women are all very similar underneath the superficials differences; as you will know, hardly a day goes by without hearing about coercive control and murder of women and even children by men who treat women as objects for their use and disposal...
I think that women are under different kinds of pressures, in different cultures, rather than that there are vast qualitative differences.
Your question reminded me of one of the books which influenced me profoundly when I was 21 or so: reading Andrea Dworkin's 'Right Wing Women: the Politics of Domesticated Females. ' She describes the sort of women who love Trump types of males. Though they are openly disparaging of women and operate with a hideous double standard of morality, yet such women bow to these men as their best insurance for protection and safety from the violence of other men.