Just before seeing your comment now, I got another comment calling the Hamas action of Oct 7th, 'a genocide'.
These kinds of morally depraved manipulators are pulling us into the cesspit they are in - no I don't want to say I don't care about the killing of innocents between 33- 45... but rather, we must not allow the psyopathic ZIonists to perpetrate any more viciousness cover of the Nazi's crimes.
There are great human beings like Victor Frankel and the great Italian writer, working as a chemist, who survived the Nazis, only to commit suicide in 1987...
I mean, no let us not permit the brutal psycopaths to infest our spirit... that's why I shared the 2 satires by the Irish You Tube
Those 'soldier' maniacs have stooped to the level of the Nazis' - let's not join them.