I've been going to matches attended by the very young to the very old, since around November here in the U.K, and not once have I ever heard anything 'antiSemitic'... from anyone on the marches... we have Jewish speakers saying 'not in my name'.... it's always a peaceful march through town, with a few drunks shouting insults now and then.
There have been proven instances of Zionist types trying to provoke though and vastly exaggerating something accidental, like a flag brushing someone, got misrepresented as the ionist person was 'stabbed in the eye'. I think the world is seeing through all of the hasbara/lies, and crying victim by pro-Israelis, who are given millions of dollars worth of dosh to promote this false agenda, to distract from the actual people being slaughtered and their homes taken over , that has been going on for decades. The tactic of crying victim is just not working any more.