It really is as if the patriarchal religions have hijacked our natural capacity for reasoning and learning from experience. - the imagery of the Divine as MALE seems to have got our wires crossed so to speak: too many of us conflate human males with the some attributes of the Divine and sp the most brainwashed amongst us keep on believing in the male as the source of safety, protection, resourcefulness etc etc..
I understand your frustration Antonia Callas, GreekOrthodox/Catholic/Protestant/secular/Sikh/jewish etc etc... as women we are subjected to the same sort of dehumanisation and stereotyping.
I have the exact same issues with my mother and sisters. No matter how much a male in the family lies, cheats, fails, and is generally a drug-addled obese , self obsessed narcissist, STILL, he Is likely to be given more respect than his well qualified, hard-working and financially independent sister.