If you were to do some fact-checking you might notice that Russia offered many overtures to the West, but was rebuffed... and agreements made about not interfering with nations close to its borders were betrayed.
Standing up to Western/NATO and maintaining one's sovereignty, is seen as a crime, but being manipulated, baited, and hostile elements funded to create coups covertly is all well and good? Are you aware of how many nations and peoples have been fallen into utter chaos, with Western companies free to pick over teh crops of the nation, taking whatever the want, at whatever price they choose to give? Look at the wreckage of Western policies across the globe on all the continents... Russian anticipated where NATO forces were going and drew a line to protect itself.
Shame you had to write such a biased article, that provides so little truthful insight into the geopolitics that the West seeks to dominate by whatever nefarious means.
Whatever Putin's shortcomings, at least he is not a damn actor (Reagan) or a clown (present Ukrainian stooge of a Prime Minister).
I, along with all the dispossessed peoples of the world, in Libya, Irag, Syria, Yemen, Chile, Bolivia, etc etc are glad the cowardly Americans who use others' lands as the 'theatre', to fight their proxy wars, are not going to capitulate to Amerikka's/NATO 's shenanigans.